This page is where to find my current MMO Personas.
Byordaeir Vas'drakken
Level 100 Paladin
DoW - Disciples of War / DoM - Disciples of Magic
100 Paladin - 100 Warrior - 100 Dark Knight - 80 Gunbreaker
100 White Mage - 80 Scholar - 80 Astrologian - 80 Sage
Melee DPS
80 Monk - 94 Dragoon - 100 Ninja - 100 Samurai - 90 Reaper - 100 Viper
Physical Ranged DPS
80 Bard - 80 Machinist - 80 Dancer
Magical Ranged DPS
100 Black Mage - 80 Summoner - 100 Red Mage -
100 Pictomancer - 64 Blue Mage
Disciples of the Hand
94 Carpenter - 100 Blacksmith - 100 Armorer - 90 Goldsmith - 98 Leatherworker - 92 Weaver - 89 Alchemist - 90 Culinarian
Disciples of the Land
90 Miner - 90 Botanist - 99 Fisher
Byordaeir in
Byordaeir on beach in Tural
Lodestone background
Death Knight - Level 71
Benjamin Vas'Drakken
Harry Potter Game