I was born before the 80s started so I have seen a very interesting span of history.
I joined the USAF in 1997, where I was trained to load the F-16 block 52. I remembered my boss telling me there was only one of them someone asked what if something breaks on it. I was given extra training because I knew more than the instructor about welding and they said they couldn't give me credit for training on stuff I already knew. So I got to get flight hours in a T-38, while the rest of the class was trained on stuff I learned from metal shop in high school. When they saw me fly the T-38 they said we got to get you to fly something else. Pick something from the planes we have on the base and we will fix it up to get you training hours on that. I pointed to a F-104 up on
display, that sat on the way into the base. The maintenance squadron had fun putting it back together. I got to fly that and pulled a loop de lope at a fast enough speed to break the windows all the way into Oklahoma from Wichita Falls, Texas. After that I got a short ride in the F16 we had but I told no matter what my name would not go on the
side of the plane it is a loaner. I sit got my picture with me next to the cockpit, because we couldn't film the HUD.
From there I was assigned to Misawa Japan were I got there and got in a incident with foreign personal living on the base so I got sent home and on the way I was flying from Chicago O'Hare to DC and I had the wrong altimeter so I didn't realize it was broken and I was way too high and the engine stalled out when I made the turn over the pine barrens
and while the engine cut back in before I hit the ground I was moving fast enough that I hit the ground and was thrown through the forward windshield and left in a blood of my own blood. So I was in a halo for a couple months while they decided to do surgery and fuse my neck. While that was going on I was being med boarded so see if I stayed in or got out of the military with a medical discharge. I ended up wanting to stay in and since I had been working as the Medical Admin of Flight Medicine I was let return to duty in 1998. From there I was cross trained into weather forecasting.
I got out a week before September 11 2001 to work in world trade center restaurant the restaurant at the top of the world. Before I could start the buildings came down. So I had four months of terminal leave and nothing to do. I started at Chubb Institute and got a certificate in Network Administration. Finding most jobs wanted more than that I
started at Ocean College in NJ where my terminal leave ended. I worked for about ten different staffing agencies while at College. This also included working on the NMCI (Navy Marine Corp Internet) project. I got to be a tour guild at the pentagon as part of
that while waiting for equipment. I complete my degree in December of 2005 and drove down to Florida to start at Full Sail University in Jan of 2006.
I complete my degree in 2008 to go work at a start in Louisiana, which failed within a year causing me to discard thousands of dollars worth of stuff and move to Los Angeles. I worked for Zoic as a driver and than at Activision Blizzard and Disney as a developer.
In 2014 I moved across the country once again and out of country to Toronto Canada, where I worked for Stereo D on sterogra0phich conversion of three dee movies.
In 2015 I moved back to Florida where I have lived since.
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