Welcome to Avalon, a new MMORPG by
the Mountain. This is a behind the scenes
look at the game. It starts with the back
ground tree. If the player heard about the
game during development and joined the
beta test their social rank progress is kept.
This means that peerage is carried over from
the beta and alpha tests. They still have to
start from the Adventure Rank achieved in the
Tutorial Primer. The map above is of the Tors
Dominion controlled by
Emily Usher mòr Caolánvein
The charts below are the early days spell chart
and the physical skills.
This is the society and adventure ranks.
Note that adventure ranks go up every twenty levels.
The society ranks go up based on your society rank
quests. In game you are always sworn to something unless you are a foreigner or criminal. PVP outside the
contested areas is not possible so you only get wanted status from getting caught stealing or murdering NPCs in the adventure zones. Note many of the NPCs are high level out side towns and villages and plot NPCs are invincible. Once flagged as a criminal you con red to everyone and guards will kos (kill on sight) players can attack red players outside the contested zones as being flagged means you goofed big.
These are players and NPCs of Note they show up the story what of a soul.
https://www.amazon.com/What-soul-Crystal-City-Divide-ebook/dp/B07JPLP1W6This site was created with the Nicepage